Coupon Codes

When you look at your coupons, there are 2 bar codes on the bottom. The first barcode is the "family" code. For example, 36000 is Kimberly Clark (Huggies, etc). Each family code is for a certain brand or company.

For a coupon to work, the first 5 numbers (after the first digit, usually a 5 or a 9) must match the corresponing numbers on the product.

Sometimes a coupon states that a coupon will work on multiple products, but it can only be coded for 1 product. I have some coupons that are for $5 off Hot Wheels or Barbie products, but it is coded only for Hot Wheels. So when I tried to use it on Barbie, it beeped. It was pushed through because I had them read the coupon and they saw that I had the correct product.

So for a smoother (no beeps) transaction, try to match your coupon codes. If it does beep, be able to prove that you are right!



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