Walgreens and Rite Aid

I also do the rebates at Walgreens and Rite Aid. You spend the money OOP, but you get it back at the end of the month. And you no longer have to mail the rebates, they are all done online!! So much more convenient. Many times there are MM (money makers). For example, Pantene shampoo is FAR (free after rebate) plus there is a $2 off coupon from the Sunday paper. So you actually make $2.

At both stores, the rebates are one per address.

With Walgreens rebates, you have the option of having your rebate money put onto a Walgreens gift card. When you choose this option, you get 10% of your total added on. Once you get a gift card, you can have them just add the money to it electronically (no waiting for mail). I do it this way and I just keep rolling my money into the new rebate items.

Walgreens also has Register Rewards (RR). These are money off coupons to use on your next order. They print off from the Catalina machine beside the register. Purchase a certain item, get a catalina for $ off your next purchase. Last month, Crest mouthwast was on sale for $4.49 and when you bought it, you would get a RR for $4.50 off your next purchase.

But, BEWARE, these are not rollable. Meaning, you cannot use that RR that you got on Crest Mouthwash to buy another bottle of Crest Mouthwash and expect to get another RR.



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