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Pixel-perfect Photo and Video Sharing Site!
Photocubbie makes it easier and more fun than ever to upload, share, organize, and print your digital pix, so you can stay in touch with friends and family near and far. As a photocubbie member, you can easily store, edit, and view all your photos and video. It’s the pixel-perfect photo sharing site!
Sharing is Caring.
Photocubbie was designed to help you share your life with those who matter most. Arrange your photos into online albums (as many as you want) so that they're always organized and easy to find. Upload the newest video of your son walking for all to enjoy
Or simply order your prints at a very budget-friendly price -- up to 100 free each month. At photocubbie, the choice is yours!
What’s going on?
E-mail is great -- but photocubbie is better, because there are no monster attachments that clog up your inbox. And because everything you upload is automatically saved online for posterity. By the way, your recipients don't need an account on photocubbie to see your stuff. They just need to click the link you give them.
Seriously secure photo storage.
Adding photos to your photocubbie archive is like placing them in a safe. Our ultra-secure system uses three levels of data backup to protect all of your site content. If anything should ever happen to your hard drive (and, unfortunately, things do) your photos will all be safe and accounted for – guaranteed!
Free Photos from The Picture People
Click here for a coupon for a FREE session and picture package from The Picture People (expires 7/25/09). It includes:
Free session
1 - 8x10
2 - 5x7s
8 - Wallet Sizes
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